JUN 2014

Instructor: Erin Besler

Visit The Entire Situation by Besler & Sonshere
This project was also featured in UCLA A.UD Currents, Winter 2014
& presentation script published by POOL.

Underlying this work is a conceptual confrontation with material thickness. While seemingly simple in drawing; a line segment cannot bend without consideration of the thickness of that line. By doing so conceptually, this undercuts any habit or default concerning the way we might draw a line and how that line, and its offsets, might be constructed out of a system of 1/2” thick gypsum board, 3-5/8” steel studs, and chunks of foam to suggest that the corner is an architectural problem where multiple forms of knowledge meet.

In collaboration with James Skarenski, Cristina Gasso, Nico Manzinin, Rachael Forest, & Jose Cisneros